Welcome to the Endoscopic Ultrasound Information Page

Are you curious about the advanced medical technique known as Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)? You've come to the right place! We're here to provide you with comprehensive information about this cutting-edge procedure, its applications, and what you can expect.

What is Endoscopic Ultrasound?

Endoscopic Ultrasound, or EUS, is a minimally invasive medical procedure that combines endoscopy and ultrasound to obtain detailed images and information about the digestive tract and surrounding organs. This technique allows for a closer and more precise examination than traditional imaging methods.

Key Features of EUS:

  1. Minimally Invasive: EUS involves inserting a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) equipped with an ultrasound probe through the mouth or anus to capture high-resolution images.

  2. Combination of Endoscopy and Ultrasound: By integrating these two technologies, EUS provides real-time imaging of both the inner and outer layers of the digestive tract.

  3. Diagnostic and Therapeutic: EUS is not only a diagnostic tool but also allows for various therapeutic interventions, such as biopsies, drainage of fluid collections, and injection of medications.

Applications of Endoscopic Ultrasound:

1. Gastrointestinal Tumors:

  • Detection and staging of gastrointestinal cancers.
  • Guiding biopsies for accurate diagnosis.

2. Pancreatic and Biliary Diseases:

  • Evaluation of pancreatic masses and cysts.
  • Drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.
  • Assessment of bile duct abnormalities.

3. Submucosal Lesions:

  • Identification and characterization of submucosal tumors.

4. Liver Diseases:

  • Assessment of liver lesions.
  • Evaluation of portal hypertension.

What to Expect During an EUS Procedure:

  1. Preparation: Your healthcare provider will provide instructions on fasting before the procedure.

  2. Anesthesia: EUS is typically performed under sedation to ensure your comfort.

  3. Procedure: The endoscope is carefully guided through the digestive tract, and ultrasound images are captured in real-time.

  4. Recovery: You'll be monitored post-procedure until the sedation wears off.

Benefits of EUS:

  • High Precision: EUS provides detailed images, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

  • Minimized Risk: As a minimally invasive procedure, EUS reduces the risk of complications compared to traditional surgeries.

  • Versatility: EUS serves both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, making it a versatile tool in gastroenterology.

Contact Us:

Have more questions or interested in scheduling an EUS procedure? Feel free to contact us. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is here to assist you on your medical journey.